Turnkey solution
A tailored concept
Fast & flexible
One point of contact


Meet... Tim Luts

How would you best describe your job?

"Multitasking" is probably the most used word to describe my role as Fleet & Transport Lead. My position encompasses many responsibilities and is often associated with other functions within the company, which means I am in direct communication with other departments multiple times a day.

In a nutshell, it comes down to ensuring that everything regarding Fleet & Transport is well coordinated. Broadly speaking, this process includes determining whether the return of the modular units is on schedule, checking their condition and availability, documenting the modular units and creating the associated transport planning.
Together with the Branch Operations Manager and the rest of the team, we strive to make this process as smooth and efficient as possible.

What makes your workday a perfect/successful day?

First and foremost, I close my office satisfied when the collaboration with the OPS team, logistics service providers, suppliers, and customers runs smoothly and everyone is happy.
I also derive a lot of satisfaction from my day when we can add extra value to the ‘standard’ transport through smart logistical solutions.

How would your colleagues describe you?

I suspect my colleagues would describe me as the jester of the company. Staying positive and cheerful while walking through the hallways is my motto. It occasionally happens that something does not go according to plan, which is frustrating, but for me, it's no reason to be in a bad mood. For every challenge, there is a solution!

Which department would you like to work in again?

“Are we actually going to do this?” Tim asks hesitantly.
He doesn’t hesitate and immediately says: “Project Leader”

When we ask him why this position comes to mind first, he answers: “Because I have a lot of respect for the colleagues who perform this job.”

As a project manager, you often have to make important decisions (under time pressure) and you are also the one ultimately responsible for a project. In other words, there is enormous pressure on their shoulders to meet customer expectations as well as possible.

The delivery on site of a large project like De Warmste Week is definitely something I would like to experience.

What does Algeco mean to you?

Since I have been working at Algeco for over 20 years, I think it will quickly become clear to the reader that I have found my place here and what added value Algeco offers me.
Through hard work, I have had the opportunity to develop myself professionally, but also to climb higher up the ladder. It’s great to see that Algeco has grown into the leading supplier of temporary and semi-permanent housing solutions and that I am part of it.