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Why portable classrooms are the smartest choice

Explore the advantages


Everything you need to know about portable classrooms

In the ever-evolving world of education, flexibility is paramount.
These days, more and more schools are opting for portable classrooms instead of traditional structures.

But what exactly is it that makes portable classrooms such an attractive proposition?
Below, we will run you through the main advantages of portable classrooms versus conventional construction methods.

Traditional construction and portable classrooms compared

Traditional structures

onderwijs modulaire unit

1. Flexibility and quick installation

Traditional structures take a long time to build, often running into months, if not years. This lack of speed and flexibility can present an obstacle, especially when extra space is needed quickly. On top of that, the lengthy construction process of traditional structures is often preceded by an equally convoluted planning stage.

2. Cost and sustainability

Traditional structures often have a higher initial cost and require more maintenance than portable classrooms. The cost of construction is generally higher due to the complexity and timespan of the project. Sustainability can also present a challenge, depending on the materials and methods used.

3. Wellbeing of children and teachers

Generally speaking, traditional school buildings are designed with comfort and functionality in mind. They often provide a comprehensive range of amenities and can be adapted in line with specific requirements. All of this contributes to a positive learning environment, even though the cost and time required complete the project can be higher.

Portable classrooms

onderwijs modulaire unit

1. Flexibility and quick installation

The speed and flexibility portable classrooms offer is unrivalled. They can be installed and taken into use in just a matter of weeks, which makes them especially suitable for situations in which extra space is needed fast. This offers a significant advantage compared to traditional construction projects, which often take months or even years to reach completion.

2. Cost and sustainability

Portable classrooms are often more cost-effective than traditional structures. The lower initial cost and reduced maintenance requirements deliver significant savings. On top of that, portable classrooms are reusable and adaptable, which makes them more sustainable and which enables you to deploy your resources more effectively.

3. Wellbeing of children and teachers

Even though portable classrooms may have a different feel to traditional school buildings, they are designed with comfort in mind. They can be fitted out with all the comforts you expect these days, such as heating and air conditioning, which contributes to an enjoyable and functional learning environment for pupils and teachers alike.


Portable classrooms offer a fast, flexible and cost-effective solution for educational institutions that need extra space.
They comply with all applicable regulations and create a comfortable learning environment.

For educational institutions that have both temporary and long-term space requirements, portable classrooms are an excellent option.
Due to their modular design, they are the perfect fit for today's education landscape and they constitute a valuable addition.
